In the small village of Taferi Kela, nestled among the lush coffee plantations, there stands our Bette Buna coffee station. It is not just an ordinary coffee station, but a place that radiates innovation, inclusivity, and empowerment.
Beside processing our own farm coffees, the community farmers would bring their carefully picked coffee cherries to be processed. Our station is renowned for its commitment to producing exceptional natural and anaerobic coffees. What set Bette Buna apart, however, is its dedication to creating a positive impact on the community.
Led by a passionate team, Bette Buna embraced inclusivity and the belief that everyone deserved an equal opportunity to thrive. They dared to break the societal barriers that often limited the potential of certain individuals. With a vision in mind and determination in their hearts, they began recruiting a diverse workforce.
There, amidst the bustling coffee processing activities, you would find individuals with varying abilities and different backgrounds working harmoniously. Some of the team members were deaf, known for their extraordinary focus and attention to detail. Bette Buna provided them with a platform to showcase their skills and talents, breaking down barriers of communication and prejudice.
Mothers at risk or vulnerable were also given the opportunity they deserved. Bette Buna understood the challenges these mothers faced, juggling their responsibilities while striving for financial stability. The coffee station offered them fixed contracts, ensuring a stable income to support their families. In addition, Bette Buna provided meals, transport, and a comprehensive health package, ensuring their wellbeing was taken care of.
But Bette Buna’s support didn’t end there. Recognizing the untapped potential within their team, they also facilitated and encouraged entrepreneurship. They knew that some of their employees possessed unique talents and dreams beyond coffee processing, so they offered guidance and support to help them start their own small businesses. Bette Buna was not just a workplace; it was a stepping stone for these aspiring entrepreneurs.
As word spread about the inclusive nature and exceptional coffee produced by Bette Buna, the coffee station thrives. The dedication and passion of the team, combined with the inherent quality of the beans, resulted in coffee that captivated the taste buds of coffee enthusiasts far and wide. Customers delighted in knowing that with each sip, they were supporting a noble cause – the empowerment and upliftment of a community.
The success and impact of Bette Buna went beyond the borders of Taferi Kela. The coffee stations and their farms became a shining example of what could be achieved when compassion, innovation, and a commitment to social responsibility merged. People from neighboring villages and even beyond traveled to witness the transformation taking place in Taferi Kela.
At Bette Buna, every cup of coffee represented so much more than just a beverage. It symbolized resilience, equality, and the power of human potential. With each passing day, the reach of Bette Buna’s influence grew, inspiring other businesses to follow their lead and make a positive impact in their own communities.
And so, the story of Bette Buna and its extraordinary team continues, serving not just coffee but also hope and empowerment to all who cross its path.