Have you ever wondered why drinking water straight from a
mountain stream tastes so much better than water from a tap
or bottle? This exact question is what drove inventor and chemistry
professor Cees Kamp MsC. when he took a sip of refreshing
water, straight from a mountain stream in the Swiss Alps
almost a decade ago.
After years of scientific research, the quest to replicate this vivacious water brought him back to nature, where after 7 years the answer was found in the shape of a Turritella shell. The natural spiral wound channel of the Turritella is the inspiration from whence professor Kamp developed the unique ceramic internal design of the Turritap™.
Turritap™ doesn’t change the actual chemical composition of
water but revitalizes it by ‘waking up’ the water and bringing the
positioning of its components back to its roots: the mountain stream.
No more reason for polluting plastic bottles or expensive water
filters* that need frequent replacement. Turritap™ comes with a 10 year warranty, but will likely do its job for longer, perhaps even a lifetime.
Turritap™ revitalizes water. Taste the difference in your glass of water,
brewed coffee or freshly brewed tea.
*in case your water supply is not safe/suitable for consumption or needs adjusted composition
for optimal use (eg. brewing coffee) a water filter will still be required