/047 Colombia — Gesha


22.520.671.465.5 inc. VATex. VAT

Marisela’s Gesha Espresso

This lot highlights the exceptional work and collaboration between talented caficultores and our long-term partner, La Real Expedición Botánica (LaReb), famous from many of our other releases.

LaReb is a producer-owned export cooperative and movement dedicated to developing decolonized supply chains, operating outside traditional multinational pathways. Their mission deeply resonates with us. By sharing collective knowledge, financing, quality control, and export processes, LaReb members can define their own terms of engagement. Working with Herbert and the team is incredibly refreshing, and we look forward to strengthening this relationship in the years to come.



The Sánchez family’s small estate is located in El Portal, Palestina. This land, granted to Marisela’s parents by the Colombian government in the 1950s, has been dedicated to coffee cultivation ever since. Huila, the region where the estate is located, is renowned for producing some of the world’s finest coffees.

As the estate transitioned to the second generation, the land was divided into smaller plots, each managed by Marisela’s siblings and extended family. The main processing and drying station remains at Marisela’s home. Marisela’s family has strong ties to the community. Her father, Orlando, served two terms as Mayor of Palestina around the early 2000s.

LaReb’s commitment to collective processing and quality knowledge shines through in lots like these. Extended fermentation steps are carefully executed to enhance the fruit-forward characteristics in the cup while maintaining a clean, washed profile—vibrant and expressive, with no trace of acetic acid or funk. The result is a cup that captures the essence of Marisela’s expertise and LaReb’s mission, with the volume turned up on flavor.



Washed Process

  • In-husk resting for 24 hours.
  • Dry-mass fermentations up to 90 hours.
  • Sun dried in greenhouse.

Marisela Sánchez’s coffee offers stunning clarity and brightness, exemplifying the essential characteristics of the Gesha variety. Layers of citric fruits unfold alongside sweet and floral notes, resulting in a juicy yet delicate cup.

/047 Colombia — Gesha
22.520.671.465.5 inc. VATex. VAT Select options